Happy Lent 2019

March 6 marks the beginning of Lent 2019. Firstly, I attended the 12 pm mass at the Shrine of Mother Cabrini for my ashes this year!

Frances Xavier Cabrini MSC, also called Mother Cabrini, was an Italian-American religious sister, who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She died in 1933 and was canonized in 1946. Her remains were transferred to a glass coffin in 1938 on her beatification. Her body is beautifully preserved and displayed under the altar at this church on 190th St. I’ve seen the remains of St. Francis Xavier and in comparison, she looks remarkably fresh. The shrine itself is beautiful with very helpful staff. The mural at the back depicts the entire story of her life. They’re open everyday except Monday and have Adoration everyday between 12-3 pm.

Lent 2019

One of our choir members, Dianne sent us this and I’ll share it with you as you begin your journey this Lent 2019. Of this list, there’s probably only two disciplines that I have down! The rest would take me many, many, many Lents to master! 🤣

Lent 2019
Lent 2019

Fr Ray gave us these beautiful words, “When we make our journey of forty days into the darkness of our own sinfulness, we come to realize the need for a Savior. Because we are dust, but we are dust redeemed by Jesus.”

Finally, we’ve compiled all our Lenten podcast episodes. Feel free to share them with others.

This Lent Be Different

Keeping the Lenten Fire Burning

Three Questions to Ask before Lent

I wish you all the best for Lent 2019. In conclusion, do let me know how you plan to carry out your Lenten journey this year. I’d love to hear and learn from you.