What Are The Various Traditions of Mass?

The Eucharist is what sets apart the mass from every other service.

Charles Johnston

Who is Charles Johnston?

Charles Johnston is a father and husband in Phoenix, Arizona. His conversion journey has taken years, as he felt God pulling him toward His Church but he resisted until he couldn’t take it anymore. He gave in and fell in love with His Church.  He blogs for ‘Now that I’m catholic.wordpress.com’

Talking about Paul.
Charles Johnston

In this episode, Charles tells us about the various traditions of Mass in the Catholic Church.
– What is mass and the the various traditions of mass?
– The unique aspects of each tradition?
– What are the biggest similarities?
– How is this different from what other denominations celebrate?
– How can everyone participate in the Eucharist?

What Are The Various Traditions of Mass?

There are over two thousand various traditions within the Catholic Church. 6 major ones are important. I grew up within the ordinary form mass. I’ve witnessed the Maronite, Syrian and Latin traditions.

Different rites of masses have different languages and traditions. At the heart of them all is the Eucharist that unites us. As we go through lockdown, many people are now partaking in the Eucharist. Whether they are Catholic or not. People have come to realize the miracle working power of the Eucharist. I myself watching the Vincentian fathers and am amazed at how the Holy Spirit is working all over the world. If you would like to watch mass with adoration online here’s a link.

Which Tradition is better?

I’m surprised people even ask. I believe our Christian journey is constantly evolving and often God is seeking us. He is looking for us and He meets us at our point of need. The various traditions of mass as long as in communion with the Pope have their own beauty. What I loved as a twenty year old in mass is different from what I appreciate now given that I’ve grown and matured. And so I feel like that is the same with mass. God wants to minister to us and different traditions appeal to us based on our personal walk with Him.

As I said in the podcast, at the heart of it Jesus in the Eucharist is the same. It almost pained me to hear when Charles says it grieves him to see so much division. And as Christ’s body, all of us feel this pain from being separated from our Christian siblings. Let not our traditions divide us. Instead let us dwell on the uniqueness and unifying power of Jesus.


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