Free Advance Review Copies of THE MILANESE STARS

With two weeks to launch date, I am giving away free advance reviewer copies of my book THE MILANESE STARS. Who doesn’t love free books? 😉

Advanced reader copy

Yes! 100 copies. On Book funnel, you can get epub amd mobi formats. So Kindle readers should use this link. Simply go here and download. 

Advance reader copies are not final copies. These are advance books that are given to few readers who are truly interested in the genre. This is a clean contemporary romance. And so readers who like reading this category, are free to pick it up and enjoy this book.

Also with advanced copies, you can recommend this book to people who enjoy reading something similar.

For those who like freebies and are comfortable with epubs only , you can simply go to Instafreebie and  download the file. 

Advance Reader copy!

So what’s the catch? There’s none! The book is free. Once you’re done reading, simply go to Goodreads or Amazon and review the book. Tell me what you hated, loved, liked or disliked about the book.  Also, tell me if you want to see a series or if I should stop at this one! Ask a question about the book on Goodreads and I’ll answer you right away.

This giveaway will only run till 25th June, 2018. 

A review is the best way to help an author improve, so after you read, leave a review for me and share this with other people. Who with?

This is a romance and a heist, as if you’ve read from my blurb and annoucements.

If you’re a big fan of the Ocean’s eleven and all the Ocean’s movies, this is for you. Ironically there is an Ocean’s 8 coming out with a female cast of bandits, just like my book. So people who love female capers. Or fans of Janet Evanovich will enjoy reading this.

So grab your advance copy today! And don’t forget to tell your friends.

Also, I am going to pick up some reviews and add them to my advertising, so if you do end up reviewing my advance copy, I may get in touch with you to add your name to my newsletter, trailer, tweets and social media.  😁