63 Seven Rules for Dealing With Non-Christian Family & Friends

Give people time. Be patient. Let God work in their lives.

Steve Ray on the Seven Rules for Dealing With Non-Christian Family & Friends

Who is Steve Ray?

Steve and Janet Ray

Stephen K. Ray was born in 1954 to parents who had just become Christians through a Billy Graham Crusade. He was raised in a Fundamentalist Baptist
family and was dedicated to Jesus in the local Baptist Church. At four years old he “asked Jesus into his heart” and was “born again” according to Baptist tradition.
In 1976, Stephen married Janet who came from a long line of Protestants. Her ancestors were pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower and Moravian Hussite Protestants who joined the
Protestant Reformation in the 1600s.

After studying many books to convince their best friend and recent convert, Al Kresta, that the early church was evangelical, Steve and Janet backed their way right into the Catholic Church.
On Pentecost Sunday, 1994, they entered the Church at Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Since then, Steve’s passion for the depth of truth found within the Catholic tradition has led him to walk away from his business and pursue what he really loves—writing, speaking, producing Catholic films, and leading pilgrimages to biblical lands.
Steve and Janet have been to the Holy Land over 170 times exploring, filming, and leading thousands of pilgrims.
Steve is a regular guest on Catholic radio and TV including Catholic Answers, Ave Maria Radio, Relevant Radio, and EWTN. He also writes Bible studies for Catholic Scripture Study International. You can find out more at

Seven Rules for Dealing With Non-Christian Family & Friends

In this episode, Pamela talks to Steve Ray about the seven rules for dealing with non-christian family members and friends. He talks about:
– How to deal with the initial separation or anguish/shock when you realize a family member is losing Christ?
– What are the seven rules to deal with them?
– How long must we wait for their return?
-What do family members do in difficult circumstances when they see no fruit or result of their example and prayers?

God is not in a hurry

What an amazing episode!!! As you heard, I was laughing A LOT!!! I love how much energy and passion Steve has for this subject. Dealing with non christian family members and friends is hard. What Steve says is so true. God is not in a bigger hurry than I am. We’re stuck in time. God is in eternity. Throughout this episode, Steve shares nuggets of wisdom that have come through his own experience.

Steve uses his own conversion story to frame the seven rules that we should use. They’re simple but difficult in practice. Here’s a link to all the rules that he lists.

The Rules

  1. Don’t Argue
  2. Love them More
  3. Pray and make sacrifices
  4. Study the Catholic Faith
  5. Show the joy of Jesus in your life.
  6. Be patient
  7. Ask God to bring someone in their life.

Dealing with Non-Christians

I love how Steve explains that when we pray we should hold God accountable. He explains keeping a written list of when we start praying for someone and the date when the prayers was answered. He also talks about simply loving our brothers. And that’s the crux of our faith, love.

So many of our current problems would have been solved if we see the other as our brother and with eyes of love. As I watch, the news of late with all the violence and hatred I’m amazed at how we fail at this basic concept.

Steve also mentions Mother Teresa’s quote, “God doesn’t ask us to be successful but faithful.” We’re only human and we’re limited in our abilities.

There’s so much angst and hurt when we find our family members walk away from Jesus or someone announces they will join a new Church. Often, there are other issues beneath and Steve encourages to dig up those.

I’m so grateful that Steve agreed to talk to us right away. When I told my mother I recorded with Steve Ray, she yelped and couldn’t believe it. Turns out, she’d been listening to him years before.

It’s strange how the Holy Spirit works in our life and leads us to Him.


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