62 How to Celebrate Pentecost?

“Jesus promises the disciples a Helper but they don’t know who or when. They’re just waiting and praying together.”

Darcy Osby

Who is Darcy Osby?

Darcy Osby

Darcy Osby is a Cradle Catholic from Pittsburgh, PA and is an Associate with the Sisters of Mercy. She and her husband have been married for 7 years and are the legal guardians of a 16 year old daughter. Darcy is the Director of Religious Education at Our Lady of Grace & St. Bernard parishes in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. She holds bachelor’s degrees in theology and education from Carlow University. She has a Master of Divinity from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. When she is not catechizing, she enjoys reading, hiking, attending concerts, and home-brewing with her husband.

 How to Celebrate Pentecost?

In this episode, I talk to Darcy Osby about Pentecost. She explains about:
-What is Pentecost?
-How do we celebrate it?
-What can we do to increase the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit within us?
-How do we pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for His help?

Pentecost 2020 and the Pandemic

As I publish this episode, let me wish everyone Happy Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Last year, as this feast was celebrated at centenary celebrations in Portugal, Mary was called a way of hope and peace. How much more in today’s time.

Yet, in many ways, this season prior to the Pentecost, feels very much like the disciples waiting in the Upper Room. The Holy Spirit has been quietly at work while we wait and pray. I know it’s been a difficult time for me. Rejection, betrayal, anger, disappointment, doubt; my Lenten season and Easter has been a whirlwind just like Darcy mentions it was for the apostles. The pandemic has only compounded those problems.

My only consolation has been time with Jesus in Adoration. I know that the Holy Spirit has worked to increase in me His fruits. I have grown. It’s amazing to know that The Holy Spirit is the breath exchanged between the Father and the Son. He has been given to us, to me, sinner as I am, to help us in our ministry. Indeed, this is the age of the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament, the age of God the Father, the New Testament, the era of God the Son and now the time for God, the Holy Spirit.

Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

There are seven gifts of the Spirit, six with a biblical basis, one without: “wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge and fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2); as well as piety, added later.

There are nine biblically-based fruits of the Holy Spirit. There were described by St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

The traditional fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, humility or gentleness, fidelity or faithfulness, modesty, self-control and chastity.

I love how Darcy explains the analogy of the gifts and fruits with a Christmas gift. The more we use our gifts, the more we grow in fruit. This morning’s reading from John 15: 1-8 is another reminder. Jesus wants us to bear fruit. “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”

The goal is always to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and as we practice our gifts we will grow in fruit.

I hope you can take some ideas from our podcast and celebrate Pentecost 2020. I hope you have at least the grace of a mass. Happy Birthday to the Church.

Celebrating Pentecost

-Mass and red vestments. Wearing red clothes and baking red treats maybe a physical way of reminding us of Pentecost.

-Spiritually, how to celebrate Pentecost? Pray to the Holy Spirit consciously.

-Attend a charismatic retreat.

Do the Pentecost Novena

-Pray in Tongues

-Exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Let us know how you’re celebrating Pentecost this year!


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