Happy 2019 to my Readers

Happy 2019 readers and fellow authors. I’m so excited for the new year. 😄Well, 2018 was smashing. The Christian Circle Podcast had 40 episodes with over 5,000 listeners. I think that was pretty good for a new podcast on religion. I had four book releases, three for publishers, two of which were full length novels and two novellas, one of which I self-pubbed.

All the books had amazing feedback. Check out my Amazon reviews for Painting Kuwait Violet! And if you’ve seen my pictures, I’ve just returned from Prague! And I honestly didn’t want to leave Prague. It is such a beautiful city.

Not perfected the art of a Selfie!

That’s me and my brother. As you can tell, I’m feeling the cold and he’s not! Horrible selfie taker that I am, the picture has everything but a nice background with my big nose. This was in Wenceslaus Square.

What happens in 2019?

Like last year, a lot of the groundwork for this year has already been laid.


Touchpoint press plans to release my sports romance series this year. Two books in the four book series are already line edited and awaiting design and covers. I’m still editing other works and hopefully will pitch some. I’m neck deep with submissions already and waiting for replies. Till then won’t pitch more, editors would think I’m crazy.

Starting Over will have a sequel by the end of the year since I got so many requests to continue Nathan and Cara’s story.

I’m looking to do more romantic suspense this year, as I did very little of that in 2018 except for Milanese Stars. And that was still sweet, not very scary that readers complain about.

On the women’s fiction front, I still need to do lots of heavy editing and beta reading. If anyone wants to be part of my beta reader team, let me know. Painting Kuwait Violet, set the bar very high and I’m a bit nervous about writing something to match that. 😰

So I’m sure about three books this year, but hopefully there will be more. And there will definitely be something based in Prague, I’m sure of it.

The Streets of Prague


As I announced on last week’s episode on Tips for Marriage, I will be doing an episode every other week. It’s tough to get one out every week when we have few people willing to talk about their faith online. In fact, for our 50th episode which will happen in May, we’ll do a big giveaway, so stay tuned for that! We’ll do a gargantuan giveaway with our guests books.

Medicine & Medical Writing

I have some major articles coming up on the next generation stuff in medicine. There’s been a huge clamor for the next generation techniques in medicine and so I’ll put out links once I have those out. Exciting times especially if you’re into the geeky stuff! 😉 I’m honestly not sure about anything else here and I just take one day at a time.

Everything Else

And then everything else. I didn’t think I’d travel as much last year, but ended the year in Prague and I couldn’t be happier. The pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Infant Jesus was awesome! Any recommendations on where to go next?

I may even make a long silent retreat this year. Most of you know I was in Morristown, New Jersey for the Jesuit Silent Retreat in November 2018. Thank you for praying for me. That’s where we decided the shape and content of our podcast.

So there are no grand designs, arduous resolutions and great plans for 2019. The goal is to breathe and live one day at a time, collecting special moments with special people.

My wish for everyone this year is to have lots of love, health and happiness. Happy 2019 everyone.

Bear Hugs to you All! 🤗

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