61 How to Meditate the Christian Way

Meditating the Christian way is all about the silent gaze of faith at Jesus.

Andre Lesperance

Who is Andre Lesperance?

Andre Lesperance is a Senior Ministry Consultant and Writer at The Evangelical Catholic. It’s a non-profit specializing in ministry consulting and evangelization training. He holds a master’s degree in theology from Marquette University. Andre has worked in Catholic ministry and education since 2003. Andre lives with his wife and four children in Milwaukee, WI.

How to Meditate the Christian Way?

In this episode, I talk to Andre Lesperance about meditating the Christian way. He talks about:
-What is “meditation” in a Christian way?
-What is the advantage of doing this?
-How does it help spiritually?
-What are some steps we can take to grow in our practice of Christian meditation?

Tips on Meditating

Given that we’re all social distancing, meditating has been a forced part of our Lent. I’ve see-sawed with contemplative prayer, because some time my thoughts are vacuous and often self-seeking. I blaze through my rosary and Divine mercy only to then stare at the monstrance repeating my petition list ad nauseum. Has your meditative experience been better? Let me know in the comments below.

Andre does a fantastic job giving us some practical tips that are helpful for those learning how to meditate the Christian way. I love how he says we should never let the method become the object. Too often we become focused on how we’re doing it, as if it’s some performance.

He also mentions using the Outline of the the Our Father as a guide while we meditate. I think that’s a pretty neat tip.

The most important thing that we need to ask ourselves throughout our meditation is:

What do want me to do Lord?

Andre Lesperance

And that’s the crux of our devotion. What do you want, Lord? Where do I go?

I’ve struggled with meditation. I know there are times where I will sit at Adoration and can only be silent. There are no words to express my heartache, disappointment and or frustration. I love how these tips address the pitfalls and the discouragement that we all face while we meditate.

All we have to remember is the goal. The end goal is Jesus!

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