86 The 3rd Commandment The Sabbath: A Call To Rest

Sunday is a day for our soul.

Leon Suprenant


Leon Suprenant

Leon Suprenant is the former president of Catholics United for the Faith. He is the principal author of the posts appearing at the Archdiocese of Kansas blog who, with Scott Hahn, is the co-editor and contributing author of the best-selling Catholic for a Reason series. His family resides in Olathe.

The 3rd Commandment The Sabbath

-What is the 3nd Commandment?
-What does this commandment mean in a practical sense?
-Which are the two ways to remember the Lord’s day and how do we sin against it?
-Can you address the many scrupulous folks who will ask can I watch a game on Sunday or can I do x or y? Or others who will say my work is my meditation and so I work on Sunday etc….
-What do we lose by not keeping the Sabbath holy?

The Lord’s Day is a Day of Rest

I reached out to Leon after reading about his catechesis on the 3rd commandment. We can get so caught up like the Pharisees about we think the Sabbath should look like and judge other people based on those thoughts. Leon is very clear. We need to understand when something becomes an idol in our life.

I love it when he says the Lord’s day is not really for God’s benefit, it’s for ours. Perhaps we need to tither more of our time to the Lord, to spend time to slow down and reflect on God’s role in our life.

Sunday is also a day when we can prepare for the week. It takes preparation to live a good life. The best prep is when you take your cares to the Lord and see what His plans are for you.

I am extremely grateful to Leon for doing this podcast with us and for sharing so many practical details about the Lord’s day.


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