89 The 6th Commandment: You shall not Commit Adultery

When we do it in the context of God’s plan for us, it is so much better.

Mike Landry


Mike Landry

Mike Landry was a teenager whose faith was awakened thanks to a parish youth ministry program launched during his high school years.  Now he has spent more than twenty-four years trying to share the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Catholic Christian faith with others. Currently he works full-time as division Chaplain for Evergreen Catholic Schools, serving ten schools west of Edmonton, AB.  Mike and his amazing wife Jennifer live in Stony Plain, AB with their five children.

Mike’s ministry includes twenty years as a music ministry leader, five summers on staff at a Camp St. Louis, and ten years as a parish youth minister. He also speaks, sings, and leads parish missions and retreats in Churches and schools in Canada and the USA.  Mike is a contributing writer for, the Archdiocese of Edmonton’s Newsletter, “The Window,” and the ATA’s Religious & Moral Education Council (print) publication,“Fully Alive”. Mike holds an Advanced Certificate in Youth Ministry (2003), a Bachelor of Theology from Newman Theological College (2009), and a Master of Arts in Graduate Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville (2014).

The 6th Commandment: You shall not Commit Adultery

In this episode, Mike Landry talks about the 6th commandment, thou shall not commit adultery. He explains:
– What is the sixth commandment? What are its two parts? Why is adultery expressly mentioned
– What are the Other Sins Against Chastity Are Forbidden
– How to obey the sixth commandment? Some means of practicing purity
– What should we avoid?
– Any specific advice can you give to married people, singles, widows?
– What does someone do if they have fallen short of this commandment?

Adultery and Chastity

Mike wrote a whole piece on the 6th commandment. When I wrote to Mike, I was so glad that he responded enthusiastically. Mike’s commitment to the youth is clear. I love when he says we’re all called to chastity whether we are married, single or widowed. Everyone is supposed to live up to their vocation.

Jesus calls us to a higher standard. Even a lingering glance is a step too far. Mike is clear. Irrespective of what happens around us we need to hold ourselves to that standard. He recommends looking every woman in the eye while talking to them. Pretty neat advice.

What to do if you have Committed Adultery or had Pre-marital sex?

Mike has shared a few helpful tips for someone who sins against the virtue of chastity:


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